Activity license or opening in Murcia
Do you want to open a business to the public?
I help you apply for Activity license or license to open an establishment in Murcia.
When should I apply for an activity or opening license in Murcia?
If you are going to open a business in Murcia, you must apply for a activity license or opening license. It is requested by means of a responsible declaration in the town hall. The opening license must be requested once Finished the works if necessary. With this procedure, you can start your economic activity in your local.
How do I know if my activity is safe or qualified?
- Qualified activities are represented in the Appendix 1 of the rule
- Harmless activities are represented in the Appendix 2 of the rule
These activities are regulated in the Law 4/2009, of May 14, on Integrated Environmental Protection on the following points:
- Article 70. Presentation of the responsible declaration of activity.
- Article 71. Responsible statement in the case of innocuous activities.
- Article 72. Declaration of responsibility in the case of commercial activities and certain services.
Safe activities are usually those that do not emit pollution, discharges or noise.
What is needed to apply for a license to open a safe activity in Murcia.
In innocuous activities, you must go to the town hall procedure:
Responsible Declaration Art.71 Law 4/2009, of May 14
The following documentation must be provided:
- Responsible declaration of activity. model here
- Proof of fee payment
- Certificate issued by the professional as a competent qualified technician. model here
- Bounded floor plan with details of facilities, SIGNED BY A COMPETENT TECHNICIAN.
What is needed to apply for a license to open a qualified activity in Murcia.
In qualified activities, you must go to the town hall procedure:
Responsible Declaration Art.70 Law 4/2009, of May 14
The following documentation must be provided:
- Responsible declaration of activity. model here
- Technical memory description of the activity according to MODEL GUIDE 1
- Certificate issued by the professional as a competent qualified technician. form here
- documentation environmental: noise and residue. It must contain: (mandatory)
- Certificate issued by an environmental control entity in terms of acoustic impact, the content of which is developed in annex V of the Ordinance for the protection of the environment against the emission of noise and vibrations (BORM 12/9/2014). This certificate is only mandatory for those activities that are classified in any of the groups that are defined in article 46 of the aforementioned Ordinance.
- Jjustification having obtained the authorizations or formalized the communications or declarations required by the sectoral regulations. (if applicable)
- In case of being potentially polluting activity of the atmosphere subject to notification (group C) according to the catalog of potentially polluting activities of the atmosphere given by Royal Decree 100/2011, of January 28, justification of having made said communication before the competent body of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. (if applicable)
- In case of being a activity subject to Communication Prior to the start of the production and waste management activitys (art. 29 of the law of 22/2011, of July 28, on waste and contaminated soils), justification of having made said prior communication before the competent body of the CCAA. (if applicable)
- Municipal authorization of industrial discharges to the sanitation network (Decree 16/1999, of April 22, on wastewater discharges into the sewer). (if applicable)
Commercial activities and certain services.
In qualified activities, you must go to the town hall procedure:
Responsible Declaration Art.72 Law 4/2009, of May 14
The following documentation must be provided:
- Responsible declaration of activity. model here
- Pplant wool (bounded) with distribution, furniture and installations (including installations against fires, evacuation and emergency lighting), signed by a competent technician. (mandatory)
- Certificate issued by a competent technician certifying that the declared activity complies with the applicable regulations on fire prevention. available here
- Other documentation (if applicable)