Activity license or opening in Molina de Segura

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activity license and opening in Molina de Segura

Do you want to open a business to the public?

I help you apply for Activity license or license to open an establishment in Molina de Segura

When should I apply for an activity or opening license in Molina de Segura?

If you want to open a business in Molina, you must apply for a activity license or opening license. It is requested by means of a responsible declaration in the town hall. The opening license must be requested once Finished the works if necessary. With this procedure, you inform the municipality that you are starting to operate and that you comply with the regulations.

Dependiendo de la actividad, será necesaria mas o menos documentación para la apertura del negocio.

Actividades inocuas: son aquellas que no provocan molestias significativas, impacto ambiental (salubridad, higiene), ni generan daños a bienes públicos o privados, ni suponen riesgos para personas o propiedades. Este tipo de actividades abarca pequeños comercios, como tiendas de moda o de productos alimenticios no perecederos, así como pequeñas oficinas dedicadas a la prestación de servicios diversos.

Actividades calificadas: incluyen aquellas catalogadas como molestas, insalubres, nocivas y/o peligrosas (como la hostelería, ciertas actividades industriales, y determinados comercios o servicios), y que requieren la implementación de medidas correctivas, sanitarias, de seguridad y/o medioambientales. En muchos casos, estas actividades solo pueden desarrollarse en zonas industriales.

Las únicas actividades exentas de licencia de apertura son aquellas de naturaleza profesional, artesanal o artística que se realizan en un domicilio, siempre que no impliquen venta o atención directa al público, no causen molestias a los vecinos, y no utilicen maquinaria industrial para su ejecución, como en el caso de las máquinas de coser.

How do I know if my activity is safe or qualified?

  • Qualified activities are represented in the Appendix 1 of the rule
  • Harmless activities are represented in the Appendix 2 of the rule

These activities are regulated in the Law 4/2009, of May 14, on Integrated Environmental Protection on the following points:

Safe activities are usually those that do not emit pollution, discharges or noise.

What is needed to apply for a license to open a safe activity in Molina de Segura.

In innocuous activities, you must go to the town hall procedure:

Activity license

The following documentation must be provided:

  • Responsible declaration of activity. model here
  • Proof of fee payment
  • Certificate of compliance with all the conditions of annex II, of Law 4/2009, of May 14, on Integrated Environmental Protection, modified by Law 2/2017, of February 13, on urgent measures for the reactivation of the activity business and employment through liberalization and the removal of bureaucratic burdens.

What is needed to apply for a license to open a qualified activity in Segura mill.

In qualified activities, you must go to the town hall procedure:

Activity license

The following documentation must be provided:

  • Responsible declaration of activity. model here
  • Descriptive memory of the activity.
  • Certification issued by a competent technician, duly identified by name and surname, title and national identity document, certifying the suitability of the installation for the activity to be carried out, and compliance with the requirements established by sectoral regulations on application.
  • Justification of having obtained the authorizations or formalized the communications or declarations required by the regulations of a sectoral nature.
  • In the case of potentially polluting activities of the atmosphere subject to notification (group C of annex IV of Law 34/2007, of November 15, on air quality and protection of the atmosphere), justification of having carried out the same before the competent body of the Autonomous Community.
  • If it is an activity subject to communication prior to the start of the waste production and management activity (article 29 of Law 22/2011, of July 28, on waste and contaminated soil), justification of having made said prior communication before the competent body of the Autonomous Community.
  • Municipal authorization of industrial discharges to the sanitation network, when required.
  • Authorization or concession for the occupation or use of the public domain, when required
  • Proof of payment of the fee, when required.


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