Activity license or opening in Alicante

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activity and opening license in Alicante

Do you want to open a business to the public in Alicante?

I will help you apply for the activity license by providing you with the necessary technical documentation.

When should I request an activity or opening license in Alicante?

When you are going to open a business in a local you must request the Activity license in Alicante. It is processed as a responsible declaration and the documentation to be provided depends on whether you are going to carry out an activity considered innocuous or qualified. In all cases, the opening license must be requested after carrying out reforms in the premises, if necessary.

How do I know if my activity is safe or subject to environmental qualification?

These activities are regulated in the Law 6/2014, of July 25, of the Generalitat, on Prevention, Quality and Environmental Control of Activities in the Valencian Community:

You can check if your activity is innocuous or qualified in the Annexes of the Law.

Safe activities are usually those that do not emit pollution, discharges or noise.

Where to apply for the opening license in Alicante.

The opening license forms can be found in the Urban Planning section of:

Urbanism – procedures

What is needed to apply for a license to open a safe activity in Alicante

for the procedure Communication of Harmless Activities It is necessary to request the following documentation beforehand:

  • Request and obtaining Municipal Urban Report (Model A09), Art. 22 Law 6/2014.
  • In the case of works, request for the Responsible Declaration of Minor Work, Model A04.1 or minor work license, Model NL (19.3) or major work license Model PJ/PL.

Once the municipal urban planning report has been obtained the responsible declaration of communication of innocuous activities will be presented. If the council does not answer within a month, the request for the Municipal urban planning report may be submitted, Art. 22 Law 6/2014.

  • Communication of Harmless Activities filled out. model here
  • Proof of payment of the Activity Fee.
  • Municipal urban report.
  • Document justifying the payment of the Fee. Municipal taxes Alicante

Opening license through Environmental Responsible Declaration in Alicante

The Environmental Responsible Declaration enables the implementation and operation of non-residential activities that are not subject, given their low environmental incidence, nor to the integrated environmental authorization regime or environmental license, and that cannot be considered innocuous because they do not comply with any of the conditions established in the Annex III of Law 6/2014, of July 25, on Prevention, Quality and Environmental Control of Activities of the Valencian Community.

To carry out the process, it is necessary to request the following documentation:

  • Request and obtaining Municipal Urban Report (Model A09), Art. 22 Law 6/2014.
  • In the case of works, request for the Responsible Declaration of Minor Work, Model A04.1 or minor work license, Model NL (19.3) or major work license Model PJ/PL.

Environmental Responsible Statement

Once the Municipal Urban Planning Report has been obtained and the works have been carried out (if there are works), the Environmental Responsible Declaration can be presented. For this, the following documentation must be provided:

  • Technical, graphic and written report, descriptive of the installation and the activity, drawn up and signed by competent technical personnel. model here
  • Copy of the request for the Responsible Declaration of minor work or the authorization of minor or major work license, where appropriate, or identification of the file number and owner of these.
  • Municipal Urban Planning Report, which will be issued as a Certificate, or identification of the file number.
  • Certification signed by competent technical personnel, duly identified by name and surname, title and national identity document, certifying that the facilities comply with all the technical and environmental conditions required to start the exercise of the activity.
  • Document accrediting the payment of the Fee. Municipal taxes Alicante
  • When there is a mezzanine built on the premises (according to the definition offered by article 55.2.d of the Urban Regulations of the current General Plan of 1987), a document accrediting its administrative authorization must be provided (license, Responsible Declaration). In case of lacking it and if more than 4 years have elapsed since its construction, a certification of competent technical personnel will be provided that accredits the resistance of the structure of the same for the exercise of the intended use. If said mezzanine does not comply with the urban parameters established in the General Plan, the request where the Responsible Declaration is formulated will state the applicant's commitment not to use it for other uses than technical installations or toilets.
  • Authorizations obtained under non-environmental sectoral regulations, if applicable.

With the responsible declaration, the activity can be started immediately after registration.


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