Certificate of habitability in Cartagena

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occupancy certificate Cartagena

Certificate of occupancy at the Cartagena City Hall. This document is also known as Responsible Declaration of 2nd Occupation and is requested as a responsible declaration from Cartagena City Hall.

What is the difference between a first occupation certificate and a second occupation certificate?

Both certificates are considered as certificate of occupancy given that its function is to ensure compliance with the regulations in this regard. The certificate of first occupation requires much more documentation and is requested once the work on the house is finished. You can consult the necessary documentation related to the Responsible Declaration First Occupation of Real Estate – DRPO here:

How much does a certificate of habitability cost in Cartagena?

  • The cost of managing the habitability certificate in Cartagena It is 120 euros + VAT up to 150 m² of constructed area. The area indicated in the land registry will be taken into account.

What do I need to obtain my habitability certificate in Cartagena?

In the Cartagena City Council, the certificate of habitability corresponds to the following procedure:

DRSO – Declaration of responsibility for the second occupation of real estate

To get the certificate of second occupation the City of Cartagena ask for the following documentation:

  • Application according to the established model. downloadable here:
  • Photocopy of the national identity document, passport or residence permit of the interested party and, where appropriate, of their representative.
  • Signed representation mandate that authorizes me as a representative to manage the process (if applicable)
  • Justification of the fee payment. self-assessment here
  • 10 x 15 color photograph of the facade.
  • Location plan of the action to be carried out. you get here

The price of the rate in Cartagena is 137 euros

I accept bank transfer and bizum as payment methods.

The Responsible Declaration of Second Occupation is mandatory to rent or sell a property in Cartagena. Therefore, it must be valid if you want to sell the property for residential use. This is important given that banks do not offer mortgages under the same conditions for homes as for properties without a Certificate of Habitability.

How much will I pay in total for the certificate of occupancy in Cartagena?

Habitability Certificate Fees120€
City Council Fee137

– Upon completion of a new construction, the Responsible Declaration of First Occupation must be submitted.

– After ten years from obtaining the first occupation license, it will be necessary to renew it by means of a Responsible Declaration of Second Occupation in the following situations:

a) When a transfer of property is made.

b) When it is necessary to sign a new water, gas or electricity supply contract.

– Whenever extension or renovation work is carried out on the property, it is essential to obtain a certificate of occupancy, regardless of the time elapsed since it was last obtained.

The requirements to obtain a certificate of habitability are simple and are usually met by most homes.

Some of these requirements include:

  • Minimum usable area of 36 m².
  • The home must have a living-dining room, at least one bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.
  • All rooms must have ventilation to the outside, with the exception of the bathroom.
  • Have a hot water production system.
  • Have a kitchen with a stove and smoke extraction, or a window attached
  • Keep the carpentry in good condition
  • There should be no raised slabs, holes in the ceiling, walls or partitions (Cleanable surfaces)


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