Activity license or opening in San Pedro del Pinatar
Do you want to open a business to the public?
I help you apply for Activity license or license to open an establishment in San Pedro del Pinatar
When should I apply for an activity or opening license in San Pedro del Pinatar?
When you are going to open a business open to the public you must request the activity license. It is processed in the town hall by means of responsible declaration and the documentation to provide depends on whether you are going to carry out an activity considered innocuous or qualified. In all cases, the activity license must be requested after carrying out the works on the premises if necessary. With the opening license, you inform the City Council that you are starting said activity and you comply with the required standard.
To apply for the activity license you must present the Responsible declaration of activity.
The following documentation must be provided:
- Filled and signed Responsible Declaration Model. downloadable here
- Technical project if necessary, depends on whether the activity is innocuous or qualified.
- Certificate proving compliance with all the conditions established in annex II of Law 4/2009, of May 14, on Integrated Environmental Protection.
This procedure is exempt from municipal tax
How do I know if my activity is safe or qualified?
- Qualified activities are represented in the Appendix 1 of the rule
- Harmless activities are represented in the Appendix 2 of the rule
These activities are regulated in the Law 4/2009, of May 14, on Integrated Environmental Protection on the following points:
- Article 70. Presentation of the responsible declaration of activity.
- Article 71. Responsible statement in the case of innocuous activities.
Safe activities are usually those that do not emit pollution, discharges or noise.