Activity license in Rojales
Do you want to open a business to the public in Rojales?
I will help you with the activity or opening license by preparing the necessary technical documentation. I will also solve your doubts with the procedure.
When should I apply for an activity or opening license in Rojales?
Before opening a business in a local you must request the Activity license. It is processed as a responsible declaration and the necessary documentation depends on the type of activity, which can be innocuous or qualified. The opening license must always be requested after carrying out the works on the premises, if necessary.
How do I know if my activity is safe or subject to environmental qualification?
These activities are regulated in the Law 6/2014, of July 25, of the Generalitat, on Prevention, Quality and Environmental Control of Activities in the Valencian Community:
- TITLE IV Regime of responsible environmental declaration
- TITLE V System of communication of innocuous activities.
You can check if your activity is innocuous or qualified in the Annexes of the Law.
- Qualified activities are represented in the Annex I and Annex II of the rule
- Harmless activities are represented in the Annex III of the rule
Safe activities are usually those that do not emit pollution, discharges or noise.
Where to apply for the opening license in Rojales.
The opening license, both for innocuous and qualified activities, is requested on the following page of the electronic office:
Responsible Statement or Communication Regarding Activities
What is needed to apply for a license to open a safe activity in Rojales
for the procedure Communication of Harmless Activities It is necessary to provide the following documentation:
- Responsible Declaration of Activities filled out.
- Photocopy of the DNI/CIF of the owner of the activity.
- Proof of payment of the Activity Fee.
- Descriptive technical memory of the activity.
Opening license through Environmental Responsible Declaration in
The economic activities that do not appear in Annex III of the Law 6/2014, of July 25, of the Generalitat, on Prevention, Quality and Environmental Control of Activities in the Valencian Community They must be submitted using the following procedure:
Responsible Environmental Declaration
For the responsible environmental declaration, once the certificate of urban compatibility has been received by the city council, the following documentation must be provided:
- Filled and signed Responsible Declaration Model.
- Photocopy of the DNI/CIF of the owner of the activity.
- Photocopy of the deed of ownership of the premises or lease, with the exact identification of the number of the premises and the address thereof.
- Photocopy of the IBI receipt of the property or cadastral registration or cadastral reference.
- Activity project.