Activity license or opening in Elche
Do you want to open a business in a place open to the public in Elche?
I will help you request the activity license by providing the necessary technical documentation and solving your doubts in the management.
When should I request an activity or opening license in Elche?
If you intend to open a business in a local in Elche you must request the Activity license. Depending on the type of activity, it is processed as a responsible declaration and the documentation to be provided depends on whether the activity is considered innocuous or qualified. In all cases, the opening license must be requested once the necessary reforms have been made in the premises.
How do I know if my activity is safe or subject to environmental qualification?
These activities are regulated in the Law 6/2014, of July 25, of the Generalitat, on Prevention, Quality and Environmental Control of Activities in the Valencian Community:
- TITLE IV Regime of responsible environmental declaration
- TITLE V System of communication of innocuous activities.
You can check if your activity is innocuous or qualified in the Annexes of the Law.
- Qualified activities are represented in the Annex I and Annex II of the standard and in the Annex of the Law 12/2012 on urgent trade liberalization measures and certain services (exhibition and sale maximum 700 m2)
- Harmless activities are represented in the Annex III of the rule
Safe activities are usually those that do not emit pollution, discharges or noise.
Where to apply for the opening license in Elche.
The forms for opening or activity licenses can be found in the procedures catalog of the electronic headquarters of the Elche City Council.
procedures catalog from the electronic headquarters
- Scope of openings, activities, shops and terraces
What is needed to apply for a license to open a safe activity in Elche.
In Elche the procedure is called Communication of harmless activities (CAI). It is necessary to present the following documentation:
- A061 Responsible statement communication of harmless activities. model here
- Proof of payment of the payment of the corresponding municipal fees.
- Distribution plan, surfaces, uses, corrective measures, facilities, accessibility, etc. of the establishment.
- The documentation that proves the personality of the interested party
- In the case of a representative, a document proving the representation. model here
Opening license through Environmental Responsible Declaration in Elche.
The Environmental Responsible Declaration It allows the installation and operation of activities that are not subject, given their limited entity, neither to the integrated environmental authorization regime nor to environmental licences. Although they cannot be considered innocuous because they do not meet any of the conditions established in Annex III of Law 6/2014, of July 25, on Prevention, Quality and Environmental Control of Activities of the Valencian Community.
Environmental Responsible Statement (DRA)
Once the Municipal Urban Planning Report has been obtained and the works have been carried out (if there are works), the Environmental Responsible Declaration can be presented. For this, the following documentation must be provided:
- Responsible Declaration Form A61 signed. model here
- Form A104 Certificate for activities processed by means of a responsible environmental statement, signed by a competent technician, duly identified by name and surname, degree and ID, certifying that the facilities comply with all the required technical and environmental conditions. model here
- Authorizations, or formalization of the communications that proceed, required by the environmental sector regulations (In any case, CERTIFICATE OF LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION, AIR CONDITIONING, LPG INSTALLATIONS, etc.).
- Proof of payment of municipal fees
- In the case of a representative, identification document of the same.
- In the case of a representative, a document proving the representation. Form A340. model here
- The documentation that proves the personality of the interested party.
- Descriptive technical report of the activity, which includes the applicable municipal urban planning.
With the responsible declaration, the activity can be started immediately after registration.
To calculate the rates, the instance model must be sent, with the completed data, to [email protected] requesting the issuance of the payment letter.