Evacuation plan

Photoluminescent emergency and fire prevention signage constitutes a vitally important safety component. Therefore, it is essential to have efficient and effective signage in a wide range of establishments. This includes the presence of the Evacuation Plan.

The main purpose of Evacuation Plans is to provide information to people present in an establishment. This information covers the location of escape routes, manual fire extinguishing equipment and alarm systems in fire situations.

The evacuation plans are regulated by the UNE 23032-2015 standard.

In accordance with what the regulation establishes, in these plans it is essential to include, among other information:

  • Header that says "EVACUATION PLAN".
  • Mark the current location with the dot «UD. IS HERE".
  • Clearly distinguish the main, secondary and accessible evacuation routes.
  • Indicate the position of the exits and whether they lead to the outside.
  • Indicate the location of stairs and elevators for use in emergency situations.
  • Show the location of manual fire extinguishing equipment and alert and alarm systems.
  • Identify Refuge Areas and Meeting Points.
  • Provide instructions for acting in emergency cases and a legend that explains the symbols used on the plan.
  • Include a legend that describes the symbols used.
  • In situations where the entire floor cannot be shown in a single plan, it must contain the location of the meeting point and a smaller complete plan, highlighting the area of the establishment in which we are located.
  • Indicate the plant number or name of the area represented.
  • Show the date the plan was drawn up and its revision number.
  • Include the name of the company that prepared the plan.

Evacuation plans for homes for tourist use

Homes for tourist use require the installation of an evacuation plan at the door. This plan will be category B. Evacuation plans must have a scale of 1:100 and the print format can be DIN-A3 or DIN-A4. As a general rule, given the dimensions of the plan, VUT plans are usually in DIN-A3 format.

Evacuation plans are printed on a self-luminous poster.

I will be in charge of taking measurements, preparing the plans and printing them.

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